Create an Airdrop
Disclaimer: Please be advised that once tokens are committed to the airdrop, they cannot be canceled or reduced. Ensure correct allocation of tokens for your airdrop requirement.
Create New Airdrop
Go to (coming soon).
Paste your token address into the “Token address” section. Token name, symbol, and decimals will be displayed. Ensure accuracy and click on “Next”.
Input Airdrop information, including Airdrop Title, Logo URL, and Website. These fields are mandatory and cannot be left blank. Logo URL must end with a supported image extension (png, jpg, jpeg, or gif). You can upload your image using (coming soon) to get the link to your logo. Click “Create New Airdrop”.
After clicking “Create New Airdrop”, MetaMask will prompt you to confirm the transaction. Review the fee and click “Confirm” to complete.
Prepare a list of airdrop addresses and click “Set Allocations”. Enter addresses and corresponding token amounts separated by commas. Click “Add Allocations” and confirm the transaction in MetaMask.
After adding airdrop allocations, they will be shown on the airdrop page.
Set Vesting: Define TGE release percent (%), Cycle release percent (%), and Cycle (days). Click “Set Vesting”, confirm the transaction in MetaMask, and review the fee before clicking “Confirm”.
Allocations can be removed by clicking “Remove All Allocations”.
Before starting the airdrop, exclude fees, dividends, and max tx for the airdrop address. Access your airdrop address on your airdrop page.
Start the airdrop once the presale pool is finalized. Go to your airdrop page at (coming soon) - Created By You - View Airdrop. Click “Start Airdrop”, confirm the transaction in MetaMask, and review the fee before clicking “Confirm”.
Claim Airdrop
Visit (coming soon) - My Airdrops - View Airdrop.
Check claimable tokens and click “Claim”. Confirm the transaction in MetaMask, review the fee, and click “Confirm” to complete.
Last updated