SAFU Contract

What is SAFU Badge ?

SAFU Badge means that the project cannot be manipulated by the developer to hurt investors and gain an unfair advantage over them. SAFU badge will be given to KYCed projects that meet below specifications and ownership held by SAFU Developer.

Criteria of SAFU Project

  • Projects must do KYC with CatSale

  • Owner Privileges

    • SAFU developer shouldn't ask private key of clients

    • SAFU developer must hold the contract ownership for 7 days minimum

    • SAFU developer must pause trading until listing time

    • SAFU developer must own the staking ownership. Staking dapp must be audited.

    • Owner can not be able to mint new tokens

    • Owner can not be able to pause trading

    • Owner can not be able to set max transaction limit lower than 0.1% of circulating supply

    • Only SAFU dev may blacklist snipers during the 7 days of holding ownership. After 7 days or when ownership is transferred, the blacklist must be non-functioning.

    • Owner can not be able to claim the contract’s balance of its own token

    • Owner can not be able to set max wallet limit lower than 1% of circulating supply

    • Owner can not increase taxes in the first 7 days from listing

    • Anything that can be changed by the owner can not limit or stop trading for the investors. (Anti-bot without time limit, Transaction time lock without limit, sell limit based on holder balance, etc.)

  • Tokenomics

    • Tax cannot be higher 10% buy or sell (max 10% each side)

    • No unlock tokens in first 30 days from listing

    • Liquidity lockup time shouldn’t be less than 365 days

    • Liquidity percent 60% at least

    • Private sale bonus shouldn't be greater than 10% from presale/fair launch rate

    • Private sale can be sent at the start of launch. The first send cannot exceed 20% of the liquidity's value in BNB in tokens. The next two days 50% of the remainder of the private sale in tokens can be sent each day.

    • Listing rate should be equal to presale/fair-launch/subscription rate

    • SAFU developer must control unlock tokens (SAFU developer will help projects to distribute seed, private sale tokens)

    • SAFU developer needs to confirm if the project had a private sale. If there was a real private sale, SAFU developer can distribute tokens for private sale investors.

    • No airdrop tokens in first 30 days from listing (No giveaways, contest tokens)

    • For migration from old contracts, new tokens may not be distributed to old holders until 30 days from listing

  • Contract

    • Contract must be audited by a trusted partner

    • Buybacks should be automated

    • Burns should be automated

    • Auto liquidity should go to an unreachable address. (Dead address etc.)

    • Contract should not malfunction in any circumstances

    • No proxy contracts

  • Common Problems That Cause Contracts to Crash

    • Failed transactions that are caused by mathematical errors

    • Swap settings and parameters should always be in a safe range

    • BNB transfers from the contract should not revert in any circumstances

Last updated