Cancel a Launchpad

Here is a guide on how to cancel a presale and withdraw tokens from the canceled pool:

Step 1: Cancel Presale

  1. Connect your wallet.

  2. Visit your presale pool.

  3. In the Owner Zone, click on the "Cancel Pool" button, then confirm the transaction on MetaMask.

Step 2: Withdraw Tokens from Canceled Pool

If your token has fees, rewards, and max transaction limits in the contract, you'll need to exclude those functions for the presale address to finalize the presale pool.

  1. Before finalizing the presale, obtain your contract address from BSCScan or click on the token address on your launchpad page.

  2. Go to Contract -> Write contract -> Connect to Web3 to link your wallet using the owner address.

  3. Use Ctrl + F to search for "exclude", then input your presale address and click "Write" to exclude fees, rewards, and max transactions for the presale address.

  4. After clicking "Write", MetaMask will prompt you to confirm the transaction and display the associated fee. If you agree, click the “Confirm” button to complete the process. If you see "exclude (bool)", input “True”.

Note: In some cases, the contract may use "exempt" instead of "exclude". In such instances, search for “exempt”, input your presale address, and click "Write" to exclude fees, rewards, and max transactions for the presale address.

  1. Finally, click "Withdraw canceled tokens" button to complete the process.

Last updated